I thought I also might have some fun so I found these videos please watch all then are funny!
Well as you know everyone wants to have fun so do I so one day i got bored and then searched for funny videos and I decided to share them you my readers.
Here they are: http://www.shareaflick.net/16028-Basketball-Retard.html http://www.shareaflick.net/16027-Family-Guy---Ding-Fries-Are-Done!.html http://www.shareaflick.net/15975-Funny-Stunts.html http://www.shareaflick.net/15974-I-Can-Fly.html http://www.shareaflick.net/15973-Backyard-Wrestling.html http://www.shareaflick.net/15972-Jackass-stunts-(S.C.A.M).html http://www.shareaflick.net/15971-Backyard-Wrestling-Goes-Wrong.html http://www.shareaflick.net/15970-pain.html
I will add more these are so funny the last one omg is long and so funny.Labels: ALL, FREE, INTERNET