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    Make Your computer fast as ever!
    Tuesday, May 29, 2007
    Make Your computer fast as ever!
    These are just funny I don't recommend u try them but if u do post what happens

    If you want computer to run faster,

    Give it some water we all living things need water to survive so this is what u do!
    Go up to your mom or dad and say"Can I have the biggest bucket we have"
    They will give it to u if they don't say a nice comment(not recommended say a really evil comment)
    If they said no go find a bucket.
    After that take the bucket fill it will water and leave ur computer on.
    Then throw the water on ur computer.

    How to get rid of all the virus or garbage on ur computer.

    Don't put all ur bad files in the recycling bin on ur computer.
    Go take a trash can.
    and bring it near ur computer and open ur computer cpu.
    Then start taking some wires out and even chips so that u can get rid of garbage make shore that ur computer is on.

    I want my computer to run faster.

    As u know computers need lots of electricity to run so take any cord u have an plug it in and then cut the end and touch the end to something that is metal in the computer and try to put as many as u can and make sure computer is on.

    My computer freezes:

    Don't worry go to the hottest place on earth and leave ur computer there and it won;t freeze

    If you have any other question please comment!


    posted by Usmanzali @ 4:32 PM  
    • At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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      vibe to it.

      Feel free to visit my homepage; Daft Punk - Random Access Memories FLAC

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